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What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K® is a simple, gentle, and effective method to assist with identifying limiting beliefs held in the subconscious mind. PSYCH-K® is not a substitute for professional medical treatment, rather it is often a complement to it.

The PSYCH-K® approach is about transforming any limiting subconscious beliefs you may have that could be related to your state of being. These beliefs are usually acquired in the early stages of life, and often persist into adulthood, below the level of conscious awareness. There is a well-established biological interaction between the mind and the body. Most of our computing power (95%) lies in the subconscious mind. Very often, issues we experience are unknown to the conscious mind, thus self-help, goal setting and coaching might not get to the core of the problem of deeply rooted self-limiting beliefs.

That is where PSYCH-K® may be of help. Using PSYCH-K®, we help you change subconscious beliefs that may be influencing your present condition. Sometimes a condition improves dramatically just by using PSYCH-K®! That is why I offer this service. While it is not possible to guarantee a specific result, which depends largely on the individual and their condition, PSYCH-K® has a 30-year history of helping people achieve a satisfying and joyful life, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. If you are ready to move forward in your life by co-creating a new state of wellbeing, I’ll be happy to work with you.

With PSYCH- K®, we can reach the subconscious mind using muscle testing, which has been used by kinesiologists for years. We use a process to ‘reprogram’ a belief that is getting in the way of the individual achieving what they want for themselves. Because our brains have an adaptive feature called neural plasticity, we have an innate ability to modify, change, and adapt in both structure and function throughout life. We are reprogramming our brains, and therefore facilitating long lasting change at the deepest levels. As facilitators, we spend time working with the individual on clarifying goals that are wanted, and we work to eliminate self-limiting beliefs, so the individual achieves their goals more easily. People often suffer from physical, mental, and spiritual issues that are caused by subconscious beliefs, unknown to the conscious mind. We can delve into the issues causing concern and use the process to replace a self-limiting belief into a resourceful belief that can change someone’s life for the better.

What is a balance?

The main process we use is called a balance. In a 1-hour session, we can complete up to 3 balances. The role of the facilitator is to guide the client (partner) through the process. Sometimes the issues are more complex and require additional sessions. When one has undergone a balance, often the results are felt immediately and the person shows instant relief by how they feel, sound, and appear. Sometimes it might take a few days for everything to settle in for the ultimate desired outcome. When we talk about a ‘belief’ it is not necessarily a religious belief we are speaking of. Rather, we are talking about self-sabotaging beliefs that are usually things we say to ourselves in our thoughts or quietly spoken. Examples could be “I can’t,” ‘No one likes me,” or even ‘I don’t deserve....”

There are other processes we can use if the situation calls for something much deeper that relate to our energy and prioritizing our core beliefs.

What are the results of PSYCH-K®?

The results of having PSYCH-K® balances are often nothing short of miraculous. For clients who are genuinely interested in making significant life changing results, they can usually walk out of a session and feel like a completely different person. Often, the weight of emotional baggage is lifted, and the client feels much lighter. They may feel relieved of much of the concerns in their lives that had limited them reaching their goals. Sometimes this baggage is not even known to the client at the conscious level. It can be deeply rooted, and the client has no idea what is causing their concern. But when they feel it lifted off their ‘shoulders’ they know they have achieved remarkable results.

There is so much more that can be said about PSYCH-K® and the effects of the results. In our sessions we can discuss this further.

What are the benefits of PSYCH-K®?

The benefits of PSYCH-K® are boundless. If one has any type of concern, unsure of themselves, dealing with anger and so many other things, they can be worked through using PSYCH-K®. If there is an issue, there is a balance for that! Often the issues are complex or deeply rooted and, like peeling away the layers of an onion, we can work to get to the deepest cause of the problem. Sometimes these complex issues require multiple sessions as the layers are being lifted to reveal deeper seated self-limiting beliefs.

The benefits below are just a sampling of the positive changes that can be experienced:

  • Addictions resolved
  • Allergies eliminated
  • Assertive action
  • Improved problem solving
  • Improved relationships (with anyone or anything)
  • Closer connection to the Divine
  • Greater connection to life
  • Greater connection to personal power
  • Greater inner peace
  • Greater success
  • Greater vision (not necessarily with the eyes)
  • Happier life
  • Healthier bodies
  • Healthier habits
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Improved life
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased confidence
  • Increased creativity
  • Increased prosperity
  • Increased values
  • More relaxed state of being
  • Phobias vanished
  • Positive lifestyle
  • Release grief and loss
  • Resolved anger
  • Spiritual growth
  • Supportive beliefs
  • Trauma release (and the effects of trauma such as depression and anxiety)
Psych K® does not cure everything

There are many things that PSYCH-K® is, but there are also limitations. Sometimes those limitations are directly expressed to us by the subconscious mind using muscle testing. It will not replace issues that need to be dealt with by a medical professional, therapist, etc. Often, it can alleviate some of the issues, but complete resolution might require a medical professional. For example, PSYCH-K® cannot cure cancer, but it can help with how you feel about it into a more positive attitude, or it might change some deep-seated issues that might contribute to your healing. PSYCH-K® facilitators are not counselors nor therapists. Using PSYCH-K® can be used effective alongside a medical professional. We use a process that can change beliefs forever, but if there are true medical concerns, the client must work with the appropriate licensed professional.

Can anyone benefit from PSYCH-K®?

The answer is unequivocally YES. We all have been ‘programmed’ and sometimes that programming can result in negative effects. Any human with the desire to make a positive change in their lives can access and change that program through PSYCH-K®

There are many applications of PSYCH-K® that can supplement other aspects such as running a business, even at the executive level, coaching, parenting, and helping with children’s issues. Our beliefs tend to cement themselves into our subconscious minds at ages 8 – 15. For children who are struggling with self-image, childhood trauma, fitting in, etc. it can change their lives for the good, permanently. In some cases, it can enhance elements such as running a business, making the workplace healthier, being more resourceful at any part of our lives. It can effectively be combined with coaching, and collaborate with other healers such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists.

For any concern, ‘There is a balance for that.’

Learn more at PSYCH-K®

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